Sunday, March 13, 2011

[Death Spy: decision time] task clearance Raiders Cheats

Game style and the "Hitman" is similar to a high degree of freedom, players can take their own ideas to complete the task.

C bond, V keys, F keys, Caps lock key, space bar is the main action, V bond is the most quiet walk way, the enemy will not disturb sensitive feel, but walking slowly. T key is the whistle, B button is the telescope, L key is healing, using the sniper rifle, the right to open hyperopia mirror, and then hold onto that hold my breath right, this would quickly stabilize the Barrel.

1,2,3-blue and blue exclamation point is that you can complete the task of supporting the event, the blue head icon that can change into uniform areas, of course, you can find the goal they see fit to start with changing clothes and put on services of high-level military officers or other special clothing, some red enemies will turn into green enemies. Walked quietly behind the enemy can be strangled or knocked unconscious or captured the hearts (as the tool in your hands may be). Strangled or knocked unconscious or captured the hearts of the enemy can change clothes, but with a knife and if not killed by gun or a grenade can be changed. Went near the bodies, there will operate Tips: 1 carry the body, 2 and change (only strangled or knocked unconscious or captured the hearts appear), 3 search for the body, such as 4 to set a booby trap.

O bond is the current position and tasks Department, TAB key to switch the map, blue triangle is the main character, can not avoid the green triangle is the enemy, the red triangle is a need to escape the enemy, the enemy appeared red triangle, the top of the screen prompt appears, covered with red bar will give you after the shot. Dodge the enemies walk around the main difference is the use of time, and then look for place to hide.

First off:

TAB key in the map, there are two enemies in front and went down behind enemy standing, and then shot another and put on clothes, the way the two ignore. Further on in three, one of which is red, followed by the last two back slowly, or directly kill with grenades. Can bypass the front of the red, V keys quietly around to the back of the enemy bunker Department, captured the hearts (down would disturb the people inside), then the body came through the back bunker, then quietly went to the back bunker soldiers captured the hearts of car and put on clothes, go out to open the car to the 2nd area (the other way can also access the map on the right). Bypassing the red enemy into the building, not run into the red room on the first floor corridor of officers offices, V key to quietly strangling, put on clothes, on the second floor room, 2 goals, kill the two guards, open the safe, take the file, complete The second task, the most distant lying in the warehouse, and other 3 goals and the guards came in, the knife and kill the guards, V keys quietly captured the hearts or stunned (not kill) the fat red circle officer, the car car coming towards the end of the door opened, a car behind her own fat. Open to the 4th Division on the car pass.

The second hurdle:

A big snow, sneak to the left of the blue from head office, get rid of the individual around the house, to the head office to kill three people inside, put on clothes officers to the 1st Division. After seeing the old woman, on the 1st mission has changed. Then another on the 1st room, bypassing the red stairs, pay attention to the second floor there are two, kill people after to complete the task No. 1. 2 tasks: 1 is the O key to open the map of the northeast corner of broken floor office, upstairs there is a sniper, silent kill, breaking down the Duanmu on the second floor, hidden in the corner, so the red circle triangle Officers from the room out, use the sniper shooting distance, this time the enemy chaos, officers went down near the body, quietly searching for bodies, to take on the military aspect. 2 directly into the room kill. The other side of the road is the withdrawal of export on the 3rd district.

Third off:

Citation whistle came, captured the hearts of the enemies move put on clothes, bypassing the first red enemy No. 1 to the red room, in a safe room with a ring from the map optimistic about the move here, and then wait for an opportunity to go out, went close after the squat, knife and kill the guards, and then quietly with the V key to the back of this guy captured the hearts (he had stopped at three places) and put this guy's clothes, this time most of the red into the green enemies enemy. Then to blue, 1 room, the door squat, close, and mowed down the guards with a silent first, then mowed down the two officers sitting on the sofa, in one of the officers who search for the file, and then to the green on the 1st room, there are three guys, sitting in the red that is the target, the other two green back and forth, one will step to the back room, another in the outer room, find the chance to win, and then Le sat down that guy. Search body to locate the file. Complete all tasks 1. Then came the 2nd district - the dungeon, go inside the guard in front of most, there will be action prompted, choose the second, two guards will escort the prisoners to the 2nd floor, halfway down a Le (do not know to occur after another kill circumstances).鍒颁簩妤兼埧闂村悗锛屾墦閫氬埌杈?鍙峰湴鍖虹殑閫氶亾锛屽共鎺夎矾涓婄殑鏁屼汉銆傛敞鎰?鍙峰湴鍖虹殑鏃嬭浆妤兼,闂ㄥ彛鏈変袱涓孩鑹茬殑锛屼竴鏋氭墜姒村脊灏变細瑙e喅锛屼笅闈㈣繕鏈変袱涓?瀹夊叏甯﹂棰嗗浜烘潵鍒?鍙峰湴鍖猴紝杩囧叧銆?br />

銆??鍒烘潃鍙涘浗鑰呭拰鍋峰彇鏂囦欢銆?br />
銆??閰掑簵姣旇緝婕備寒銆傚厛鏉ュ埌澶у爞鍙板墠(涓や釜钃濊壊鎰熷徆鍙?锛屽嚭鐜板姩浣滄彁绀猴紝鍜屽ぇ鍫傜粡鐞嗗璇濓紝寰楀埌鍏ヤ綇鍗°?鏉ュ埌甯﹀渾鍦堢殑缁胯壊浜虹墿璺熷墠锛岃窡闅忔浜轰笂鍒颁簩妤硷紝浠栦細鍦ㄦ瀛愪笂鍧愪竴浼氬効锛岀劧鍚庤蛋鍒颁功鏋跺墠锛岀煡閬撲簡鍙涘緬鐩爣銆傚啀鏉ュ埌鍘ㄦ埧(鍙︿袱涓摑鑹叉劅鍙瑰彿)锛屾湁涓?釜鍘ㄥ笀浠庝竴闂存埧閲岃蛋鍑烘潵锛屾倓鎮勮窡杩涙埧闂?鎴栬涪鍊掔洏鏋跺惛寮曞彟澶栦袱浜鸿蛋寮?锛屽嫆鍊掑悗鎹笂鍘ㄥ笀琛f湇鍑烘潵锛岀瓑閭d釜绾㈣壊鏁屼汉杩涘叆鍐疯棌瀹ゅ悗鍏抽棬涓婇攣鍐绘浠?鏈夌偣鍎挎崯锛屼絾涓轰簡鍑忓皯韬查伩)銆?鍙蜂换鍔℃槸鍦ㄤ笁涓埧闂存壘姝﹀櫒锛屽叾涓竴涓棬涓婇攣锛屽共鎺夐偅涓繘灞嬪瓙鐨勫簵灏忎簩锛岃棌濂藉案浣擄紝鎷垮埌閽ュ寵杩涘叆2鍙锋埧闂淬?鐒跺悗灏辨槸鏉?閭d釜甯︾孩鍦堢殑绾㈣壊鏁屼汉鈥斺?鍙涘浗鑰?姣旇緝瀹规槗)锛屾湰鎬荤潱鍦ㄥ叾浠栨棤浜虹殑鍦版柟骞叉帀鍚庝篃钘忓ソ浜嗗案浣擄紝浣嗘父鎴忓湪娓告吵姹犳礂鎵嬮棿閭e効鏈夎摑鑹叉劅鍙瑰彿鎻愮ず锛屼笉鐭ヤ粈涔堟剰鎬濄?鏈?悗鏄伔鍙栧浜ゅ畼鐨勬枃浠躲?鏉ュ埌澶栦氦瀹樻埧闂撮棬鍙o紝闂ㄥ崼涓嶈杩涳紝鍏堢瓑閭d釜杩涙潵鍧愭瀛愮殑浜哄嚭鍘诲悗锛屽叧涓婇棬锛岃秮闂ㄥ崼涓嶆敞鎰忛鍒?潃姝讳粬锛屽啀鎶婂案浣撹儗杩涘浜ゅ畼鐨勯噷灞嬫墧鍒版荡缂搁噷锛屾墦寮?繚闄╂煖鍙栦笂鏂囦欢锛岃交鏉捐窇鍒?鍙锋挙绂诲湴鍖恒?杩囧叧銆?br />
銆??绗簲鍏筹細鍒烘潃涓変釜寰峰浗鍐涘畼銆?br />


銆??杩欏叧鍙堣窇鍒扮編鍐涗粈涔堝熀鍦颁簡銆?br />

銆??涓婃ゼ宸︽墜鎴块棿鎵撴檿宸ョ▼甯堟崲涓婂伐绋嬪笀琛f湇锛屽啀鍒板彟涓?ご鍍忓鎹㈠啗鏈嶏紝鐒跺悗灏辨潵鍥炶浆鎮犲惂銆傚厛鍘昏摑鑹?鍙峰湴鍖猴紝鍦ㄨ繖閲屽崟鍗曞共鎺夊啗瀹樹笉琚彂鐜伴渶瑕佺瓑寰呬竴涓渶浣虫椂鏈?鏈夊叴瓒g殑鍙互璇曡瘯)锛屾渶鐩存帴鐨勫姙娉曞氨鏄繛浜屾ゼ鐨勫崼鍏靛拰宸ョ▼甯堜竴鍧楀効骞叉帀锛岃繖鏍峰氨涓嶄細琚彂鐜板案浣撲簡锛屽叾浠栦袱涓汉鏆備笖鏀捐繃銆傛崲涓婂啗瀹樻湇骞朵粠韬笂鎷夸笂3鍙蜂换鍔$殑閽ュ寵锛岀┛涓婅繖韬。鏈嶅悗锛屽熀鍦版墍鏈夌殑闂ㄩ兘鍙互鐣呴?鏃犻樆浜嗐?鍏堝湪杩欒竟鎷嶇収锛屾鑹?涓?鏄浘绾告媿鐓х殑鍦版柟锛屾媿鐓ф椂灏介噺绔欏湪鏈夊姩浣滄彁绀虹殑杩滃锛屽苟涓旂‘瀹氬懆鍥存病鏈変汉娉ㄦ剰锛屾媿鐓ф椂瑕佹妸鍥剧焊閮借鍏ュ彇鏅锛屽畬鎴愭媿鐓у悗锛屽啀鍘诲ぇ鍦嗗湀钃濊壊2鍙蜂换鍔″湴鍖猴紝妤间笂鎰熷徆鍙锋彁绀哄鏄妸涓嬮潰甯﹀崼鍚庣殑绾㈣壊鍐涘畼寮曚笂妤硷紝妤间笅鎰熷徆鍙锋槸鎷夊搷璀︽姤寮曞紑妤兼澶勮亰澶╃殑鍐涘畼銆備笂妤兼鍒板ぇ鍦嗗湀涓婏紝鍐嶄笅鍒颁腑闂撮儴鍒嗚糠鍊掑伐绋嬪笀锛屽苟浠庤韩涓婃嬁鍒?鍙蜂换鍔$殑閽ュ寵銆備笂鏉ョ瓑鑱婂ぉ鐨勫啗瀹樿蛋寮?紝瓒佹満涓嬫潵銆傚埌2鍙枫?3鍙峰湴鍖哄紑淇濋櫓绠憋紝鍒?鍙峰杩囧叧銆傜涓冨叧锛?br />


銆??鐐告ˉ銆傞渶瑕佸湪閲嶅叺鎶婂畧鐨勬儏鍐典笅鎮勬倓鐐告帀澶фˉ銆?br />


銆??钀ユ晳浜鸿川銆?br />
銆??鍙湁鍖荤敓鎴栫洃鐙遍暱鎵嶅彲浠ュ甫棰嗙姱浜哄嚭鐗㈡埧銆?br />





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